Interface Science -

Reactions on Surfaces

Probing Surfaces with Model Reactions

A wide range of industrial processes is based on heterogeneous catalysis (e.g. refineries, fertilizers, fine chemicals, drugs, gasoline,...). This means that the reactants react on the surface of a catalyst. Surface Science tools can be used to investigate the reactions on the surface. An example is the reaction of liquid unsaturated fat with hydrogen to form solid saturated fat, which is shown here.

hydrogenation of fatty acids

The reaction mechanism of such a reaction can be studied using a model reaction on a defined surface. In this way the active site, where the reaction takes place can be identified. In our group we use different surface science tools (e.g. Auger Electron Spectroscopy, Thermal Desorption Spectroscopy, Mass Spectrometry, Infra Red Spectroscopy, Molecular Beams) to study model reactions on metal surfaces. The combined results are used to find the mechanism governing our model reactions. An example for the reaction of ethene with hydrogen to form ethane is shown here.

Ethene hydrogenation to ethane
